Events — The Law Offices of Regina Skyer & Associates, LLP

Turning 5: Understanding the Special Education Kindergarten Transition Process
6:30 PM18:30

Turning 5: Understanding the Special Education Kindergarten Transition Process


This event is sponsored and hosted by The Parents League. It is open to the public for registration (free for their members and $35 for non-members).

Speakers: Skyer Law partners Greg Cangiano and Diana Gersten

From the Parents League website:

For NYC parents of preschool-aged children who have special education needs, transitioning to kindergarten can be overwhelming. The experienced team of attorneys at Skyer Law have guided thousands of clients through this stressful “turning 5” process. Founding partner, Regina Skyer, literally wrote the book on How to Survive Turning 5. This workshop will explain your legal rights, placement options, and share strategies on how to successfully position yourselves for an appropriate kindergarten placement.

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"Expert Panel: Navigating the IEP and Legal Process so that All Children Receive the Education They Deserve"
6:30 PM18:30

"Expert Panel: Navigating the IEP and Legal Process so that All Children Receive the Education They Deserve"

Skyer Law partner Abbie Smith is speaking at a panel discussion sponsored by the Shefa School.
Free and open to the public. RSVPs required to

From the Shefa School website:

“American law guarantees that every child receive a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). But what happens when the local school district fails to meet this basic obligation, which happens all too often? Parents need to know how to advocate for their child and when to bring in educational advocates and lawyers to help them navigate the messy and confusing process.

Our three esteemed panelists are accomplished educational attorneys who will explain the IEP/CSE process and describe how parents can seek reimbursement for an independent special education school as well as secure transportation and other important resources that many students are entitled to. Please join us to learn the basics of what you need to know as a parent or educator and when to seek the help of a professional to make sure your child receives the education they need and deserve.”

Alexandra Hindes, Law Offices Of Neal Rosenberg
Irina Roller, Law Offices of Irina Roller
Abbie Smith, Skyer Law

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Turning 5: Understanding NYC's Kindergarten Transition Process
6:30 PM18:30

Turning 5: Understanding NYC's Kindergarten Transition Process

  • The Child Study Center at Hassenfeld Children’s Hospital at NYU Langone (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

For NYC parents of preschool-aged children who have special education needs, transitioning to kindergarten can be overwhelming. This workshop will explain your legal rights, placement options, and share strategies on how to secure an appropriate kindergarten placement.

This is a free event but registration is required:

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Special Education Symposium: How to Navigate Your Child’s Learning Disability Diagnosis
9:00 AM09:00

Special Education Symposium: How to Navigate Your Child’s Learning Disability Diagnosis

Skyer Law partner Abbie Smith will be speaking on a panel at the Child Mind Institute’s 2nd annual Special Education Symposium. This is “a full-day workshop for parents of children in grades K-12 with language-based learning disabilities — including challenges with listening, speaking, reading, writing, spelling and mathematics.” The agenda includes panels about “evaluations, interventions, legal challenges, and admissions processes for local public, private, and learning support schools.”

Registration is $125 and includes lunch. See the Child Mind Institute’s website for details.

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Dyslexia: Children in Need of Identification and Representation (CLE event)
9:00 AM09:00

Dyslexia: Children in Need of Identification and Representation (CLE event)

Skyer Law attorney Paul Kohan is co-organizer of this important CLE event and Skyer Law partner Jesse Cole Cutler is one of the featured speakers. “This full-day CLE on Dyslexia – a significant learning disability affecting approximately 20% of school-aged children – will provide lawyers and clinicians an inside view into how the special education system works for families with potentially dyslexic and diagnosed dyslexic children.” Visit the NYC Bar Association's event page to register.

Please contact Paul Kohan in our office pkohan[at]skyerlaw[dot]com if you are an interested parent or non-legal professional and we will let you know when we learn more about the possibility of reduced registration fees.

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"Kindergarten and Special Education Part Two: Understanding Your Child's Legal Rights with Skyer Law
6:30 PM18:30

"Kindergarten and Special Education Part Two: Understanding Your Child's Legal Rights with Skyer Law

  • Brooklyn Conservatory of Music (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Three Skyer Law attorneys, Regina Skyer, Greg Cangiano, and Abbie Smith, will be speaking about how to navigate the kindergarten transition process in NYC (often called “turning five”). Register on BCM’s page for this event. This is a free event.

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"Navigating Special Needs in NYC: Everything you need to know"
5:30 PM17:30

"Navigating Special Needs in NYC: Everything you need to know"

  • West Side YMCA: Parkside Lounge (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Regina Skyer will be speaking on a panel covering a wide variety of issues facing parents of special needs children. A perfect event for those who are new to this world. The event has been organized by special needs financial advisor Liz Kinstlinger. Space is limited, so register in advance. This is a free event.

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